Halal food and quality Certificado halal


Halal Certification

Is the process of evaluation and verification of the compliance with Halal requirements to grant the quality mark of the “Halal Quality Assurance” to your services and products of “Halal Food & Quality“.

Laboratory Analysis

HFQ has signed agreements with four ISO/IEC 17025 accredited laboratories to carry out the analysis of product samples subject to halal certification. On the first hand, these analyses are made to validate the results of audits and inspections, and on the other hand, to guarantee that it is free of Haram, chemical, and microbiological contaminants.

Halal Inspection and Supervision

The inspections are part of the evaluation that HFQ carries out to verify the results of the audit and ensure that the client complies with Halal requirements on an ongoing basis.

Supervision is carried out by authorized HFQ supervisors who check beef, sheep and poultry halal slaughterhouses, as well as cutting plants or meat processing plants.

Training in:

  • Food Safety and Quality
  • Halal