Request your budget without obligation following the following guidelines:
- Download the budget request document below.
- Fill in the document with the information we need from your company.
- Send us the word document to presupuestos@halalfoodquality.es
- We respond to you in less than 24 hours.
How we calculate the budget
To calculate the time audit HFQ-7.2-F02 «Time Audit Calculation» Timing chart audit, which has been developed is used considering the specifications of the regulations of Annex B of GSO 2055-2: 2021 , SMIIC 2:2019 , 9.1.4 . of ISO 17021-1: 2015 and other aspects indicated in paragraph 9.1.5 of GSO255-2 and 9.1 SMIIC 2.
The calculation of the minimum time audit is performed by the following formula:
Ts = TD + TH + TMS + TFTE
- TD: minimum time (in days) in factory audit
- TH: Minimum time (days) for each additional audit Additional study HACCP applied to products and services in the food chain.
- TMS: Audit days in absence of management system
- TFTE: minimum time (days) number of workers
*The budget fee is calculated based on the calculated audit time.